Friday, January 6, 2012

My Reading Goals

So last year I read 50 books. I was happy I read 50 books but I did slack off for about a month. So I could have done better. This year my goal is to read 52 or more books. I have won many books this past year and bought books. I an going to try to not buy any more books until I read at less 15 of the book I have. I figure if I put it in writing then I have others to keep me on track. I will keep you updated with my book adventures and life adventures also. Hope all is well with all of you. Have an awesome day. Hugs and Smiles.


  1. good for you!! You are a reading machine!! I am half way through Uncle Toms Cabin...not a fast read...makes me think too much!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy reading!

  2. I'm doing 50 books for this year(slow reader) hopefully I'll read more than that! :)

    1. So how many books have you read to date?

      Good luck with your goal.
